Are Self-Service Business Intelligence Tools Right for Your Organization?

Are Self-Service Business Intelligence Tools Right for Your Organization?

We have established that, in the era of big data, Business Intelligence (BI) is a vital component of any organization’s success. From understanding recent sales figures and maintaining leads to managing accounts payable and tracking constituent needs, accurate BI is key to realizing organizational goals.

While critical to 21st-century business, BI is not a contemporary phenomenon: The concept was first articulated in the 19th century. What is very recent, however, is the rise in so-called self-service business intelligence tools. These are platforms designed to intake, process, and visualize data for the layperson (i.e., not an IT specialist). By democratizing access to actionable data, self-service BI platforms aim to increase organizational efficacy while reducing personnel strain (and, potentially, costs).

But are self-service business intelligence tools right for your organization? Here are the top three questions to ask when assessing whether these tools might meet your needs:

1. Does My Organization Have a Robust Enough IT Team to Handle All Data Management and Interpretation?

As recently as a decade ago, most organizations weren’t even beginning to think about a DIY approach to business intelligence. Data manipulation and interpretation were the sole province of highly trained information technology specialists. These specialists then relayed numbers and figures in a digestible format to organizational leaders and staff to use as necessary.

IT specialists are huge assets to organizations. However, the three V’s of big data ensure that we are now inundated with a mind-boggling amount of information. Do you have enough IT personnel devoted to taking in this data, sifting out the valuable information, and interpreting it for your use?

For many smaller to mid-size businesses, a large IT team is prohibitive. Most would prefer to use the intellectual resources of their IT staff more strategically, not wasting valuable time on fairly banal data management. Self-service BI tools empower users to tap into the powerful insights data can offer, even without a large onsite team of information specialists. And even if your organization has highly specialized data science requirements and a robust existing team serving those needs, it could probably benefit from a self-service approach to more basic business intelligence needs: accounts payable, constituent support, and media management, to name a few.

2. Does My Team Need Immediate Access to Data Insights from a Variety of Sources?

To tap into the complete understanding BI offers – historical and current data trends, volumes and demographics, operational insights, pain points, and inefficiencies – you need rapid access to usable data. Self-service platforms deliver vital information across a spectrum of disciplines. Better yet, these platforms democratize the data so that users throughout your organization (even those without specialized IT knowledge) can understand and act on that information to work smarter.

Even though these platforms are billed as self-service, to really get the most out of them, it is often a good idea to work with a consultant when installing a new suite of self-service BI tools. This approach helps smooth the transition and secure employee buy-in.

For instance, a large metropolitan sanitation commission contracted with Momentum to implement an OBIEE Procurement and Spend Analytics system. The goal was to incorporate Procurement and Spend Analytics as a decision support system for all levels of strategic sourcing operations, which annually costs millions of dollars. Among the tasks Momentum fulfilled was validating new BI reports and presenting the new reporting platform to the client’s business units.

3. Do I Have Time to Manage Raw Data?

Does your team need immediate access to data insights from a variety of sources? You do if you want to be able to use that data to make critical decisions about the future of your business, not just maintain operations as usual. Do you have time to manage all that raw data yourself? Absolutely not. If you are spending your valuable time manipulating data, you are not spending it envisioning growth and improvement.

When your data stream is properly stored, tracked, and visualized, your team is empowered to make data-driven decisions about new organizational initiatives. Ready access to data drives Business Analytics. As a reminder, Business Analytics is the art of analyzing your as-is data, identifying root causes, and using the insights gathered to anticipate how your business would respond if you were to adjust certain conditions. Business Analytics is a potent tool for risk management, growth, and improvement that most modern organizations, regardless of industry, fundamentally require for success.

Self-Service Business Intelligence Tools Are Great, With the Right Support

Self-service business intelligence tools are terrifically helpful for end-users, providing ready access to key performance indicators. However, they are not exactly plug-and-play. To ensure consistent results and employee satisfaction, organizations need to be deliberate about how these tools are introduced to employees and implemented across business units. A consultant can help you get up and running a self-service BI platform with minimal downtime and transition angst.

Which self-service BI tools are right for your organization? Contact Momentum to help you navigate the current business intelligence landscape.

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