Digital Footprint – Business Edition

The Internet has become the modern-day Yellow Pages. That’s right – I said it – Yellow Pages (ironically enough, the Generation Z’s and Millennials reading this may have to use Google to understand my reference). Up until the early 2000s, the Yellow Pages directory book was delivered to U.S. citizens’ homes annually. Businesses would be listed in this book by category. This directory would include the company name, address, and phone number. It might also include a summary of their products or services. If your business was listed in the wrong category, you missed potential customers. The Internet has changed all that.
Today, when someone is looking for a business that aligns with their needs, they quickly pull out their computers or cell phones and type in a quick search for a business in their area. They might even search on several different terms to find the best fit for their need or clues to find a service provider, such as Momentum. The stronger your digital footprint is, the better chances your company will populate in these searches.
Let’s take a break from this blog and show you a hands-on example. Open a new tab in Google and search the following:
- “Project Management Consulting Pennsylvania”
- “Business analysis consulting Pennsylvania”
- “Management Consulting Pennsylvania”
- “Women Owned Consulting PA”
- “Camp Hill Consulting”
- “Project Management Consulting PA”
- “Central PA IT Consulting Blogs”
Did you see the common denominator? You may have to look below the ads, but it’s Momentum. When you enter any of the previous searches, Momentum is listed on the first page of results, often at the top of the list. You found us without using our name. That is a healthy digital footprint.
Digital footprints are important because the more active you stay online, the higher probability of your business showing up in your customer or client’s search results. There are two simple ways to create and maintain your digital footprint: your website and social media.
First, you need to develop and maintain your website. Make sure to update your website as your business grows. If you’re a service provider and your coverage area expands, update your website. If your General Manager resigned and you hired a new one, update your website. If you have found a new distributor that allows you to offer a flat rate and unbeatable prices, update your website. Transparency is paramount to the consumer, especially when they are essentially running a background check on you.
Here at Momentum, we update our website regularly. One of our updates included the addition of a search engine. Now through the search engine, you can quickly maneuver through our website and find what you need. For example, if you were looking to learn more about project management and wanted to read some of our blogs pertaining to it, a quick search would bring up our project management blogs. This simple update has expanded our digital footprint greatly: more context is now linked to Momentum.
Social Media
The second way to create and maintain your digital footprint is through social media. The more you like and share, the stronger your digital footprint will become. You never know what your consumer may be looking for so the more that is connected to your business, the better. For example, Momentum uses four distinct business social media accounts to maintain our social media presence. We endeavor to post new information and updates daily and interact with our audience.
There are many things you can do for your business social media accounts to stay relevant. However, the obvious (and easiest) answer is staying active. To do that, you need one person or one team who owns that responsibility.
If you intend on managing your social media accounts in-house, find the right person to do the job – someone who can be a strong leader in a technological world. If you feel as if you have the right person but need assistance transitioning them to this new responsibility, Momentum consultants can help you integrate these new processes.
Some businesses find their current staff are stretched too thin but can’t justify hiring a new employee. If you find yourself in this situation, you can hire an outside Marketing Agency. Momentum uses Millennial Marketing to manage and maintain portions of our digital footprint.
Management Consulting Meets Social Media
Are you ready to empower and improve your digital footprint? Momentum can help your company redefine leadership, integrate the right task management and social tools, and innovate your processes to maintain and strengthen your credibility online. Contact us today so Momentum can strengthen your organization and help move your business’ name to the top of an Internet search!