Generation Z: The New Workers

Generation Z (Gen Z) is often viewed as the generation that’s always glued to their phones and disconnected from reality. However, our intake of influential information is like no other generation’s because of those same phones. This approach lets us, and our peers, be everything we want to be, from activists to online influencers. Our unique experience has allowed us to hone in on specific skills that will be extremely beneficial as we enter today’s workplace. We are Gen Z, and here are the things we expect from employers and colleagues.
Diversity and Inclusion
We want a welcoming workplace that embraces differences and makes efforts towards equality. One of the most prominent traits about Gen Z is its effort toward ending discrimination and harassment. Consider the actions our generation has already taken to dismantle racism in corporations and support movements such as Black Lives Matter. Moving forward, we will continue to push for equality, and our efforts will not be diminished. Efforts for a diverse and inclusive workplace are going to be even stronger than they already are. Gen Z wants companies to mean it when they promise a more diverse workforce. We don’t want superficial and performative actions that don’t mean anything when diving below the surface. We are growing up in an era enshrouded by racial justice and change and expect this to be reflected in our future workplaces.
What is accountability? It is when someone takes responsibility for their actions and strives to correct their wrongdoings. In recent years, we have been demanding accountability from celebrities and public figures. Gen Z wants those individuals to hold themselves accountable and apologize instead of justifying their wrong actions when they have done something wrong. We will not accept pushing the blame onto others. As we enter the workforce, we expect this same accountability. Employers can count on Gen Z workers to step up and be responsible for themselves. Integrity is important for our generation, and there’s nothing wrong with admitting when someone has been wrong. If you’ve ever made a mistake, own up to it and make amends. From there, move on towards bettering yourself and avoiding similar mistakes. Accountability is preferred to brushing something under the rug and acting like it never happened. Encouraging workers to be accountable for themselves is definitely one of the things employers can expect from us.
Our generation has never been big on formalities and tradition. This notion has only increased during a time of attending virtual meetings while still in pajamas. Many factors contribute to why Gen Z prefers an environment that is not rigid or demanding. Advancements in technology are one factor. After all, why send an email when texts are quicker? Furthermore, social media has always been a presence throughout our life. There’s no place for formalities on social media, which is also why Gen Z is more informal than older generations. Workers from different generations won’t need to adapt to a more relaxed attitude. Still, they should expect that Gen Z will handle things differently. Conversations and meetings may turn out to be more informal than they already are because it is considered comfortable. And who wouldn’t want to be comfortable? Things are constantly evolving in the workplace, and with Gen Z’s familiarity with technology, things are bound to be more informal.
The biggest thing that has impacted Gen Z is our familiarity with technology. Simply because we grew up with technology, we have an advantage. Other generations are not as comfortable with newer technology because it was not at the forefront of their childhood. New advances in technology are being thrown out every day, and we are learning how to maneuver it. Things have been more accessible for the youngest generation in the workplace, with calculators on our phones and Google a swipe away. Our generation will always be open to using new technology to make work more efficient. Generations in the past may have been cautious around technology, but Gen Z is not. We are more than ready to tackle any problem thrown at us because we know we have the resources available to solve it.
Are You Ready for Us?
Workplaces are constantly changing and adapting. As we enter the workforce, older generations are anticipating the changes that will be made. They can count on a few changes: a more inclusive environment, an informal approach, accountability (both in ourselves and others), and increased comfort with technology. Changes will be made as we become more aware of inequalities that might take place. However, these changes are beneficial because everyone benefits when an employee or organization is willing to take responsibility. While changes in formality and technology will be harder to adjust to at first, once the different generations are comfortable interacting, workplaces will benefit from the changes brought on by younger employees. As a matter of fact, things will most likely run even smoother than before – look at the implementation of online school and how well we adapted to it!
Momentum has embraced our generation, as evident by their participation in the Summer RISE program. Their consultants can help you embrace Gen Z workers, too!
Written by: Riya Shah and Elijah
Riya and Elijah are both students with Montgomery County Public School’s Summer RISE program.