The Vision: You Must Start Somewhere

The Vision: You Must Start Somewhere

Would you be surprised if I told you that 75% of projects fail? If that statistic finds you in dismay, continue reading. To find yourself achieving a successful project, you cannot lose focus on the goals. Despite progressing in an organized fashion, is your project moving in the right direction? Before skipping ahead to planning, executing, or closing, you need to understand the Vision.

What is your Vision?

The Vision is at the core of your purpose — does the actual need match the expected outcome? Vision determines an array of factors that shape your project goals. Nike aspires to innovate every athlete in the world; Disney is a world-renowned company designed to make everyone happy; and here at Momentum, our vision is to be the first choice of clients, within our markets, as a thought leader in all core competencies to create a stronger community and prosper together.

In the beginning, your project may have a lot of Momentum; zeroed in on what you envision for the end goal. However, brainstorming how the Vision fits a project, or vice versa, may not be as easy as it seems. Quickly, you can find yourself flooded with ideas and intentions. Fine-tuning your thoughts is key to defining a successful Vision, resulting in a successfully defined project. At Momentum, we can help you gather and organize your business intelligence to clarify your Vision. A clear vision leads to clear project scopes, optimum project workflows, and results in the intended audience experience.

Deploying Business Analysis to Clarify Vision

A good Vision should embody your audience. The audience will feel a sense of belonging rather than experiencing a lack of purpose, as though merely watching from the sidelines. Analyzing your business intelligence will shape the Vision and confirm that you have the right goals to set your objectives. Now that objectives are based on goals that are based on your Vision, high-quality requirements can be determined. When requirements are on track, your projects clearly relate to your audience and are relevant. Building a Vision-based plan ensures your projects are consistent from beginning to end, based on factual data. Attaining your ultimate objectives is straightforward. Many Momentum consultants are experienced business analysts that can assist you in defining and shaping your Vision into actionable goals and objectives.

Vision As Project Foundation

Your Vision is the foundation for every associated project. When you have a solid foundation, the resulting project can stay on track, despite unexpected curve balls.  For instance, let us apply this to a township. A township’s Vision may be to provide a peaceful community that encourages a spirit of cooperativeness among its residents and local businesses. You can walk down Main Street, smell coffee brewing, or visit your local park to see children playing.

What would happen if crime rates began to increase? Parents would no longer feel safe bringing their children to the park, and a dark cloud would descend upon the town. But because the township is committed to its Vision of a peaceful community, they realize early that this is not the type of atmosphere they desire for their Township. They can quickly act to regain control. Similarly, if you have a Vision when your project begins to get off track, you can rely on your Vision to guide you back to the proper path.

Bringing Vision to Your Strategic Plan

To have a successful project, you must have a strong Vision. Your Vision is like the North Star — it guides you.

The next post will explore the next steps to Strategic Planning, which is the Strategy itself. Feel free to contact us today for an analysis of your Vision from our trained consultants.

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