What is the Value behind Business Relationship Management?

In our previous blog, we touched base on the basics of Business Relationship Management (BRM). In this blog, we will zero in on third-party assistance, specifically the relationship between the business partner and information technology (IT) units, while discussing the value behind the bridged relationship.
By definition, value is the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. It can also be defined by a person’s principles or standards of behavior: one’s judgment of what is important in life. In a business setting, who defines the value and who provides it?
Create an Image of Business Relationship Management
As a visual learner, I wanted to create an image in my head that breaks down the concept of a BRM so I can fully understand the value behind it. Let’s imagine a Venn Diagram with two overlapping circles. On the one side, we have a business unit that’s focused on core functions. On the other side, we have IT. Where the two circles overlap, we have the partnership and shared success. In short, we have Business Relationship Management.
What’s in a Word?
In BRM, we use the term “business partner,” rather than “client,” “customer,” or other similar words. Why? It’s a matter of perspective.
Clients, customers, consumers all use something you produce or provide. Each of these (and similar) words imply a separation. The group that receives value is seen as separate, as outside of the group that provides value.
But value isn’t a standalone concept, it’s not some separate component. When a Business Relationship Manager is engaged, the two entities aren’t separated. They are partners in a long-term relationship, committed to one another’s success. The term “business partner” implies a shared ownership, shared operations, a shared collaboration. It’s a shared commitment to one another’s success. And that’s what BRM provides.
Defining Value
To answer my earlier question, the business in need of assistance defines the value. The value is then provided by IT. Without BRM, the business unit and IT are their own separate entities. They have little in common – heck, they barely speak the same language. Personally, I know if I was trying to converse with someone who did not understand what I was trying to convey, I would give up eventually. Wouldn’t you?
Business leaders want more value in their investment in IT and they know the two need to work together. They had to find a way to align the two – ultimately allowing them to work together successfully. That alignment is BRM.
Here at Momentum, Business Relationship Managers, we consider ourselves a service delivery that speaks both business and IT. Our consultants like to refer to our clients as business partners. That is because we have partnered with you to ensure your business needs from IT are met while your value is realized. Jointly, we will be successful. Not only do we meet your needs, but we also maximize your value through Business Analysis Consulting.
Providing Value with Business Relationship Management
As the service provider, IT provides the value to you, as the business. And despite having a negative view on the department, it really is the backbone of your value coming to fruition if the value is communicated correctly. Again – communicated correctly.
As Business Relationship Managers, Momentum consultants serve as the common denominator ensuring your value is communicated correctly. They are the translators, eliminating further misunderstanding and miscommunications. Through the use of BRM, efficiency can be increased, implementation can be quicker, and satisfaction will be maximized.
Ready to Bridge the Gap?
Start working toward technological advancement today with one of the best business technology consulting firms in Pennsylvania! Contact us to reap the benefits of Business Relationship Management.