Momentum, Inc. Named #2 Management Consulting Firm in Central Pennsylvania

In addition to recently celebrating its anniversary, Momentum, Inc. was listed as the #2 Management Consulting Firm in Central Pennsylvania in the Reader Rankings poll by the Central Penn Business Journal (CPBJ). Local businesses were ranked by thousands of CPBJ readers that voted as part of a survey conducted with the entire Central PA region.
The news comes right as the company is celebrating its 19th anniversary. Momentum was established on July 7, 1998 in order to provide a better level of service as a small organization to various clients. Almost two decades later, Momentum has expanded its footprint and employee size throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland.
To view the list of reader’s rankings, visit
For more information about Momentum, Inc. and its services, visit
Momentum, Inc. is an industry-leading Women Business Enterprise Management Consulting firm based in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, specializing in Management Consulting, Process Improvement, Project Management and Implementation Support.