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Following the passing of longtime MAC 2. Upon learning of the pending bank
Board Member and former Mayor of closure, Mayor Reed was instrumental in
Harrisburg, Steve Reed, on January transitioning the HHRC building to the
25, 2020, the MAC Board of Directors headquarters of the Historic Harrisburg
began to brainstorm a way to honor Association. It is fitting the bench be
his dedication to Midtown while also placed here, a place that Steve envisioned
benefiting the neighborhood. We had would become one of the cornerstones
many ideas ranging from events at the of our neighborhood’s community.
Sunken Garden to a plaque on the Broad
Street Market. After discussions across 3. We feel strongly that of all of the ideas we
several board meetings and COVID-19 discussed, Steve would have been in favor
limiting event options, we finally had that of installing a bench in our neighborhood.
“aha” moment. A decision to purchase
and install an outdoor bench with a The inscription on the plaque affixed to the
memorial plaque outside of the Historic bench reads as follows:
Harrisburg Resource Center (HHRC)
was unanimously approved shortly Remembering our Friend and Neighbor
thereafter. The bench was chosen for
the following reasons: Mayor Stephen R. Reed, 8/9/48 – 1/25/20
1. A CAT bus stop is located just outside This Bench is the Gift of
of the entrance to the HHRC without The Midtown Action Council, 8/9/2020
any type of seating for bus riders.
The installation of a bench would
give bus riders a place to sit while
waiting for the bus to arrive.
August 9, 1948 - January 25, 2020
Steve Reed was much more than a mayor and civically minded resident to those of
The Historic Midtown Neighborhood lost two
us who served on the Midtown Action Council. He was also our friend, neighbor, and
prominent and respected neighbors in 2020, both
a longtime committed board member — rarely missing a meeting even while battling
of whom proudly served on the Midtown Action
cancer. His positive impact on MAC set the stage for where our organization is today.
Council Board of Directors throughout the last 40 Steve was responsible for us obtaining 501(c)(3) status, supporting grant opportunities,
years. Our neighborhood is stronger today thanks and ensuring that our meetings strictly adhered to Robert’s Rules of Order. To this day,
to their dedication to the City of Harrisburg and we still hear his words at the end of each meeting: “You don’t need to second a motion
Midtown neighborhood. Although they will be to adjourn.” Although his legacy will be debated at length, our board is grateful for
missed, our memories of Steve Reed and Charles how engaged he was with MAC over the years, giving our community group everything
Peguese will always be remembered by MAC. he had, just as he did for the City of Harrisburg.
Midtown Action Council • 2020 Annual Report • Page 11